Online wallets

I spent the better half of my morning trying to figure out how ERC-721 works. If someone has an ELI5 (Explain Like I'm 5) summary, I would appreciate reading about it.

CoinGecko is running a raffle where users can redeem their "coins" (daily rewards for logging into the website) into a raffle ticket. I did just that and followed the link to, which is a website dedicated to crypto badges. Users of POAP get rewarded with an NFT recognizing their attendance to an event. However, in order to get the attendance NFT, you need an Ethereum address. I'm not sure how POAP works because I can't see it in my Trezor Suite Wallet but the attendance NFT did indeed transfer over. 

There's a second step to enter into the actual raffle itself. I had to download MetaMask (an online wallet extension) to receive the attendance NFT then enter into the contest.

For a complete newb, like me, this is a lot of steps and very confusing every step of the way. I hope there is a more elegant solution to this because the ideas are very compelling.